Back to School: Gift Card Drive
To support the Haut Gap Teachers and Support Staff this school year, we are holding a gift card drive. Please consider donating a $25/$50 gift card or the funds to purchase them by August 4th to be given to the teachers and staff the following week. For all donated gift cards, please save the receipt and secure it to the card when donating. For more infomation visit: http://stjohnsparishchurch.com/news/back-to-school-gift-card-drive |
Mission to Uganda
Please keep our team in Uganda in your prayers for the duration of their trip, July 14-29. Click here for a PDF of the prayer itinerary for the trip. For more infomation visit: |
T-shirt Fundraiser
The short sleeve Island Reef green shirts and black St John's Parish Church koozies have come in and will be available to those who ordered one to pick up this Sunday in the Connection Corridor. For more infomation visit: |
Blessing of the Backpacks & TeachersSunday, August 11, 2024 Students: bring your backpacks with you to Sunday worship on August 11th. For more infomation visit: http://stjohnsparishchurch.com/events/blessing-of-the-backpacks/2024-08-11 |
ADOSC Night at the Riverdogs
Bishop Edgar would like to personally invite you to the ADOSC Night at the Rivedogs: Click here. A block of seats in the covered upper deck along the first base line has been reserved. Each ticket is $9.00 (for adults or children), and you can pre-purchase your parking pass for $5.00 (in the lot it's $10.) The deadline for purchasing tickets is July 19th. Deacon Joyce Harder will send tickets and parking passes via e-mail beginning the week of July 29th. To show that we're all together, wear a red (or white) shirt. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased by clicking the link below. For more infomation visit: https://adosc.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4961327fa871e140b6aecfe0e&id=0054c55185&e=8697b03ad3
Fr Jeremy on Vacation
Fr Jeremy is on vacation through July 27. During this time, Fr Arthur Jenkins and Fr Marc Boutan will be available to assist with pastoral needs. If you need a pastor during this time, please call the office: (843)559-9560. |
Parishioner in Need of Housing
One of our parishioners, John Hope, has found himself in need of new housing. The residence he is currently living in will no longer be available after this year, and he is having difficulty finding somewhere new within his budget. Please keep him in your prayers, and if you know of a potential new home for him, please contact Fr Jeremy or John Hope. For more infomation visit: http://stjohnsparishchurch.com/news/parishioner-in-need-of-housing |
Nursery & Preschool
Thanks to our wonderful Sunday school teachers, Claudia and Ron Boyce! Click here to see part of a lesson they taught on the Trinity. Can't do it without our volunteers. For more infomation visit: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084FAFAC2EA2FDC43-50132034-july#/
Celebrating the Ministry of
We would like to recognize one of our long-time parishioners, Linda Hihn. She has been involved in the Altar Guild, Flower Guild and Choir since well before our move to Haut Gap and is the current head of the Altar and Flower Guilds. We are extremely grateful for her dedication to St John's and to the Lord. Next time you see Linda, please be sure to share your appreciation with her. We are blessed by all she does and our services wouldn't be the same without her. |
Ministry of the Week
Lay ReadersThe Lay Readers serve during our Sunday service as well as any other worship services we have throughout the year. Most Sundays we have two Lay Readers to read the lessons and psalm as well as lead us in the Prayers of the People. This ministry often goes hand in hand with being a Eucharistic minister to help with communion; however this is not always the case. For more information or to express interest in becoming a Lay Reader, contact Sally Dixon. |
The Ninth Sunday after PentecostSunday, July 21 This Week's ReadingsIsaiah 57:14-21 SermonFr Arthur Jenkins
Altar Flowers July 14
The flowers were given to the glory of God ----- If you would like to dedicate Altar Flowers in 2024 in honor or remembrance of a loved one, please contact Sally at sdixon@stjohnsparish.net. |
A Prayer for our Parish
Dear Heavenly Father, Together we are united with the saints of the household of God; built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ himself being the cornerstone. In Christ alone our church is being joined together, and is growing into a holy temple of the Lord by the Spirit. By Your wisdom may we discern what You want us to build; Through Jesus Christ our Lord and the power of the Holy Spirit, Amen. |