As most know, Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday when the 40 days of Lent begins. This has now become a traditional day of feasting on pancakes. The men of St John’s Parish Church don their cooking aprons and eagerly churn out hundreds of flapjacks and sausages for the meal. Blueberry pancakes are usually the crowd favorite, but the link sausage is not far behind. It’s usually a packed fellowship hall with families of all ages and sizes. After everyone has their fill of delicious pancakes and sausage, Father Jeremy leads trivia or bingo, which provides no shortage of laughs and good spirited competition.

It’s such a fun filled event that showcases St John’s close knit fellowship amongst our parishioners. Shrove Tuesday may be the feast prior to Lent, but it’s much more than that in my [Heath Gunther] opinion. It’s a time to prepare our hearts for Lent, as well as spend quality time with our fellow parishioners over a meal. Every one knows that in the South, food brings people together. This event is no different, and it’s a meal I look forward to each and every year with our church family here at St. John’s. We could always use more helping hands in the kitchen prepping, serving, and cleaning. It is a great way to meet and interact with men of all ages in our church. Please contact me, Heath Gunther, if you have any interest in assisting in future Shrove Tuesdays.