Holy Eucharist is an important sacrament in our lives as christians. We believe Jesus is present during this service. We all want to be in the presence of our Lord, but life doesn't always allow us to take part in Holy Eucharist in a church setting. Because this is the case, Bishop Edgar and Father Jeremy authorized the Lay Eucharistic Ministers to take the Eucharist to those who are physically unable to attend a regular church service.

This is a blessed ministry. The Lay Eucharistic Ministers are able to experience the Lord’s presence in a special way as he reaches out through us to touch and minister to those who we have missed in our congregation. He allows us to share his presence and be with those who need to know that He hasn’t forgotten them, and St John's Parish Church still considers them to be an important part of us.

 If you'd like to serve, please contact Fr. Jeremy