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St Alban's Chapel Dinner - Monday, March 24

Each semester, St John's Parish Church has the honor of providing a dinner meal for The Citadel Cadets at St Alban's Chapel. This is part of our domestic missionary outreach.

We are looking for volunteers to provide the following:

Make a dinner dish or dessert. We will be serving barbecue, along with sides of macaroni & cheese, green beans, coleslaw,  rolls and dessert.

  • Pans will be provided, you can pick them up at church on Sunday, or at Resurrection Hall beginning Wednesday, March 5.
  • Provide rolls for the dinner (store-bought, King's Hawaiian are well-loved by the cadets!)
  • Make a dessert. Cookies, cakes & banana pudding have been well received!
  • Drinks (tea & lemonade), gallon jugs, bought from the grocery store are easiest

MEN – help prepare dinner dishes. As part of our Parish Men’s Ministry, we will get together on Saturday, March 22, for food and fellowship.

  • Gather at Resurrection Hall for lunch, beginning at 12:30 on March 22.
  • Stop by for some fellowship.
  • Help prepare sides for the dinner at St Alban’s on Monday.

We also need servers/helpers for Monday, March 24. 

  • This is a separate sign-up from the food, you'll see it at the bottom of the list.
  • If you can attend the dinner on Monday, please also sign up for one of the server/helper slots

We provide the pans for the macaroni & cheese and the green beans so they will fit in the box we use to keep the food warm.

You can drop off food (hot or room temperature, not frozen) at Resurrection Hall on Monday, March 24, from Noon to 4 pm.

Please note - you can sign up for more than one dish if you want

Thank you for volunteering!