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St. John’s Parish will remember the juveniles at the Charleston County Youth Detention Center on Valentine's Day with a little treat bag and a few cards. While our big drive for cards is at Easter and Christmas, we wanted to let you know about this opportunity to send a Valentine's card to the youth in February. Children are welcome to take part by writing or drawing Valentines! Just remember, sign first names only or “a friend,” use print only and don’t seal the envelopes. If you do multiples, please rubber band them together before dropping them off.

Turn in cards to Chrissy Binz, Libby Puckette or the church office by Sunday, February 9.  Any chance we get, we love for our parishioners to point these youths to Jesus Christ, so please join us in sharing the Good News with them this Valentine's Day. If you prefer to donate snack items for the bags, please contact Chrissy or Libby for specific needs.